Thursday, July 03, 2008

Salt Lake City to Park City...

City of Salt Lake CityImage via WikipediaIn the past I talked about the need to link Park City and Salt Lake City by transit. According to today's Deseret News, there is a study currently being undertaking to decide how this service should be operated.

One option would be to contract this service out to a company such as Lewis Brothers or Le Bus to operate. While I would not have a problem with that per say, connections and fares would need to be seemless between UTA service and the new Park City bus. The ideal solution would be to have timed transfers from the Park City bus to and from Front Runner north and south at the Central Station allowing travel across the Wasatch Front until connections are justified from the Provo and Ogden areas to Park City.

Groups to study Salt Lake-Park City bus route

Zemanta Pixie


Clint Gardner said...

You know it would be super-cool to have a rail connection between SLC and Park City. Too bad the line ends up in Ogden rather than SLC.

John Dornoff said...

Exactly. Plus the old branch line down from Echo to Park City is now a trail, and trail users will fight to the death to ensure that a rails to trails never returns to the rails.