Monday, May 18, 2009

Colorado Group Suing to Stop Denver Union Station project

Union Station (Denver)Image via Wikipedia

A rail advocacy group is Colorado is suing to stop the current plans for redevelopment of Union Station in Denver.

Rail group sues to block Union Station redevelopment

This is another case of transit agency having the blinders on and not taking into consideration the future including expansion of intercity rail.

Not only are they not taking others into consideration, they are hurting their own potential riders. People who ride the commuter rail from Denver International will have to walk two blocks to catch a light rail train to other parts of the city.

Several times I have ridden Amtrak into Union Station and caught a light rail train over to my motel which sits along side the Southeast light rail line. Now if I had to walk two blocks with my luggage would it just be easier to pay a cab?

At least here in Salt Lake you can catch a commuter train, TRAX and Amtrak in the same location although thanks to the westside NIMBY's it will not be possible to ride from the Airport directly to Central Station which is a downside. However, we know that developers usually come out ahead of good transportation planning...

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