Thursday, March 04, 2010

Another Attack of the NIMBY's

Luas TramImage via Wikipedia

To no one's surprise, the NIMBY's are coming out of the wood work at the public hearings about the proposed Davis County Streetcar. They are claiming that their children will be put into danger because of the presence of the streetcar on Main Street in Centerville.

Now lets remember that these are the same people who fought so hard for the Legacy Highway but we must also remember that they Legacy Highway was not in THEIR neighborhood.

Some of their complaints remind me of some of the BS that was spouted before TRAX opened up. I remember that their was one business on State Street by the Midvale TRAX station that put up a sign saying light rail kills children. While I am big supporter of small businesses clearly this person was ignorant.

Its amazing that these are some of the same people who also tell everyone that they should take personal responsibility. Apparently personal responsibility doesn't apply to something that you are against. After all, I don't recall a TRAX train ever, ever, ever running off the tracks to run down someone in cold blood. Am I wrong? Maybe if Steven King made a movie about it but not in reality.

What is even more ironic is that the streetcar will be traveling down a major street that is also a state highway. Traffic speeds by in the neighborhood over the speed limit with many drivers not paying attention to anything but their cell phone.

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Anonymous said...

You pay for it then.

John Dornoff said...

Sounds like I hit a nerve or to close to home...

esiotrot said...

Seriously?! You deleted my comment? I guess the FACTS must have hit one of your nerves or close to your home...

John Dornoff said...

No, you should feel privileged to be the first person I ever deleted a post who wasn't a garbage spanner.

This is my blog and I will not allow the discussion to degenerate like the KSL boards or some other transportation blogs that anti people try to dominate.

You are more than welcome to repost your comments even if I do disagree with you so long as you keep your tone civilized.

Have a great day.