Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Proposed UTA Restructuring Route 527 and 529

My proposed restructuring of Utah Transit Authority bus service.

Route 529 will replace Route 75 with existing schedule.

Route 527:

From the Magna Transit Center via 8400 West, 2100 South Expressway, Interstate 80, Highway 36, Highway 138, Stansbury Parkway, Country Club, Village Drive, Lidell Lane, W Erda Way, Highway 36 and 2400 North to the 2400 North Park N' Ride Lot. Then via 2400 North, Highway 36, 2000 North, 400 West/Rogers, 1000 West/200 South, Coleman, 900 South, Highway 36, 200 South, 7th East, 500 North, Highway 36, Highway 112, Durfee Street, Cooley Street, and Highway 138 to Booth Street.

Note: Route 527 would provide time transfers to Route 522 at the 2400 North Park N' Ride lot.

Frequency: Monday-Saturday 60-minute service.

Buses: Cutaway Van Chasis buses.

Replaces Route 54.

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