Image by boltzr via Flickr
Construction progress continues on the Airport TRAX Line. To keep business and traffic impacts to a minimum, this six-mile project has been separated into seven construction “reaches,” or segments, for management and planning purposes. The map below shows each construction reach in a different color, starting with Reach 1 in dark red by the airport and ending with Reach 7 in light green on the east end of the project.
A description of what is happening in each area is listed below. If you need further construction information, please call our toll-free 24-hour hotline at (888) 800-8854.
Reach 1
Reach Description: Reach 1 is the area that extends from Terminal One at the Salt Lake City International Airport on the side of the Airport Access Road to the surplus canal bridge just north of the Wingpointe Golf Course.
Current Construction:
Work continues on wet and dry utility work along 3700 West. Various traffic restrictions are in place for internal airport traffic; however, access is being maintained.
Crews are currently excavating the east side of 3700 West from the United States Post Office to 400 North. After sidewalks and driveways are restored crews will continue north toward 510 North with similar activities. Lane restrictions will be in place; however, access will be maintained. We have met with businesses to discuss activities.
Crews are currently working on walls and excavating the guideway between the X Bar Bridge and 3700 West.
Traffic Impacts:
Right lane restrictions along Bangerter Highway just north of the I-80 off-ramp entering the airport are in place Monday through Friday, and occasionally on Saturday.
A traffic plan has been distributed to the 3700 West businesses. This plan does not affect those traveling to the airport.
Reach 2
Reach Description: Reach 2 extends from the surplus canal bridge just north of the Wingpointe Golf Course along the Airport Access Road fence line to 2400 West.
Current Construction:
Work nears completion on the second phase of construction at the North Surplus Canal as crews remove sheet pile that was used to divert water. This portion of work is expected to be complete by mid-June.
Now that girders are in place, crews have begun deck work at South Surplus Canal. This work will continue for the next two weeks.
Reach 3
Reach Description: Reach 3 extends from 2400 West along North Temple to I-215. This is the reach where TRAX will move from the side of the road to the center of North Temple.
Current Construction:
Curb, gutter, sidewalk and wet and dry utility work continues to make its way west.
Old North Temple is now closed as crews relocate a power line conduit. This work is anticipated to be complete by the end of next week. During this time all traffic will be detoured to 2200 West.
In approximately one week crews will begin removing a portion of the island between North Temple and Old North Temple. Lane restrictions will take place; however, access to Old North Temple will be maintained.
Reach 4
Reach Description: Reach 4 extends from I-215 to just east of Redwood Road on North Temple. TRAX will be center running and will include a station located at approximately 1950 West. Access to the many businesses and governmental organizations will be maintained.
Current Construction:
Wet and dry utility work is currently taking place on North Temple west of Redwood Road.
Crews are relocating utilities and reconstructing driveways on the south side of North Temple between Redwood Road and 1950 West. There will be lane restrictions, but access to all businesses will be maintained and signage provided.
Upcoming Construction:
In approximately two weeks crews will begin sewer sag repairs at Orange Street and North Temple. At this time various lane restrictions will be in place; however, access to businesses will be maintained and signage provided. As we get closer to construction we will meet with businesses.
On Sunday, June 6, crews will be replacing a storm drain lateral at the North Temple and Redwood Road intersection from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. During this time eastbound traffic on North Temple will not be able to turn left onto Redwood Road.
Crews will begin relocating hydrants and water services in the upcoming weeks. As we get closer to this work we will meet with businesses and coordinate any planned interruptions to services.
Traffic Impacts: There are currently right/left lane restrictions between the I-215 overpass and Redwood Road throughout the day. As work progresses, there will be additional lane restrictions for both east and west bound traffic. Access will be maintained at all times.
Reach 5
Reach Description: Reach 5 extends from just east of Redwood Road on North Temple to the Jordan River. TRAX will be center running and includes a station at 1500 West. Access to the many businesses and office complexes will be maintained.
Current Construction:
Work continues on the south side of the Jordan River Bridge as crews have begun the second phase of construction, which includes diverting the water and pile driving activities. The bridge is scheduled to be completed before the State Fair begins in September.
Crews are currently installing a storm drain on the south side of the Jordan River Bridge.
There is occasional potholing for dry utilities taking place ahead of actual construction.
Heavier construction is anticipated to begin throughout Reach 5 in summer 2010.
Traffic Impacts:
Traffic will be limited to one lane in each direction.
Reach 6
Reach Description: Reach 6 extends from the Jordan River to I-15 along North Temple. TRAX will be center running and will include two stations located at approximately 1100 West and 800 West. Access to the many businesses and the State Fairpark will be maintained.
Current Construction:
Crews are currently replacing a small stretch of sidewalk on the north side of North Temple between the I-15 overpass and 600 West. This work will take place for approximately one week and a pedestrian walkway will be in place.
Upcoming Construction:
Work to relocate City Creek West from the Jordan River Bridge to 1000 West will take place from mid June to late August.
Traffic Impacts: Traffic management is in place near the Jordan River Bridge and is limited to one lane in each direction.
Reach 7
Reach Description: Reach 7 is the area where the airport Line will connect with the current north/south TRAX Line at the Arena Station. This reach extends from I-15 to 400 West along North Temple and turns south on 400 West to South Temple. Access to offices and the Gateway will be maintained throughout the construction project.
Current Construction:
The North Temple Viaduct re-construction project has begun and will last for approximately 18 months. Crews are now nearing completion of the demo portion of the work.
Beginning June 14 crews will start work on drill shafts for the new North Temple Viaduct. This work will take place for approximately three weeks and noise is expected to be minimal.
No night work is currently scheduled for the viaduct; however, if Union Pacific Railroad grants approval for night work we will notify all residents and businesses in the area as soon as possible.
Please see the viaduct construction guide which is attached below to find out how to get around during this piece of construction.
General Information
Access during Construction
UTA is committed to maintaining 24-hour access to all of the businesses and residences along the construction corridor. We will coordinate with businesses in cases where access may be temporarily limited.
Construction Hours
Construction is permitted to take place between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Additionally, specific activities may require different working hours depending upon conditions and will be coordinated with city officials.
Construction Tours
If you are interested in learning more about the construction project, please call our toll-free 24-hour hotline at (888) 800-8854.
For More Information
Timely and helpful information is available to assist business and residential communities, as well as commuters and stakeholders.
If you have questions or comments regarding the project, please contact our toll-free 24-hour hotline at (888) 800-8854 or e-mail You can also visit UTA’s Web site at
Please note that construction information provided is subject to change.
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