Image by Theorris via Flickr
Currently, construction is taking place in all reaches.
A description of what is happening in each area is listed below. If you need further construction information, please call our toll-free 24-hour hotline at (888) 800-8854.
Reach 1
Reach Description: Reach 1 is the area along Constitution Boulevard (2700 South) from West Valley City Hall at 3600 South extending north to 3100 South. This area includes both large and small businesses, as well as many residents. Access to all businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction.
Current Construction: TRAX construction is taking place in conjunction with UTA’s bus rapid transit project on Market Street. Crews are currently working on the station platform in between West Valley City Hall and the Public Safety Building. Work is also taking place on Market Street as crews pour curbs and prepare the roadway. Pedestrians wishing to access the Public Safety Building and West Valley City Justice Courts are required to go through the West Valley City Hall main lobby.
Crews continue to progress on the storm drain along the east side of Constitution Boulevard as they make their way south of 3500 South near Valley Fair Mall. This work is anticipated to continue for the next couple of weeks. Access will be maintained throughout this work.
Upcoming Construction: Crews will continue to install storm drains in this area for the next couple of weeks.
Traffic Impacts: Traffic on 2700 West between 3100 South and 3500 South is operational on the west side of the road. Please be mindful of construction crews and obey posted speed limits.
Reach 2
Reach Description: Reach 2 is the area along 3100 South from Constitution Boulevard to Decker Lake Drive. The E Center and a few other businesses are located in this reach, as well as residents on either side of 3100 South. Access will be maintained throughout construction and we will work with the E Center to coordinate our efforts so you can continue to visit the great events they have to offer. When TRAX is completed along 3100 South, it will operate on the south side of the roadway.
Current Construction: Maple Way will reopen this Saturday as crews finish installing rail in this intersection. We thank the residents in this area for their patience.
Progress has been made on the TRAX bridge over I-215 on the south side of 3100 South. Crews are also installing traffic signal foundations.
Upcoming Construction:
· I-215 will close from SR 201 to 3500 South on Saturday, May
2nd from 10 p.m. until Sunday, May 3rd until 10 a.m. This nighttime closure will accommodate work on the TRAX bridge at 3100 South over I-215. Motorists on I-215 will be detoured to Bangerter Highway and Redwood Road.
· There will also be lane restrictions on 3100 South over I-215
during the above listed work. Two eastbound lanes will be closed beginning at 8 p.m. on Saturday, May 2nd until 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, May
· To minimize impacts, this work is being coordinated with other
UDOT projects and limited access will be maintained on I-215 throughout the weekend work period.
Traffic Impacts: Detours to be expected for these weekend closures.
Reach 3
Reach Description: Reach 3 is the area along Decker Lake Drive from 3100 South to Research Way (2770 South) and running east to Redwood Road. This area includes many commercial office buildings with thousands of employees who access this area on a daily basis. We will continually work with businesses to ensure access is maintained.
Current Construction: The west side of Decker Lake Drive is open and access is being maintained. Crews have started work on the storm drain on the east side of the road.
Upcoming Construction: Preliminary utility work has begun on Research Way near Redwood Road. We would like to thank businesses and encourage them to call the hotline if issues arise.
Traffic Impacts: Access to businesses is being maintained.
Reach 4
Reach Description: Reach 4 runs through the Chesterfield residential area along 2770 South and proceeds along the Decker Lake Canal and the Crosstowne Trail. We will work with residents to ensure a safe working environment that provides access to their properties throughout construction.
Current Construction: Crews have installed a permanent wall along both sides of the Crosstowne Trail in Chesterfield. Significant drainage and irrigation work has also been accomplished, along with foundation work for TRAX’s overhead wiring system. We would like to thank the residents for their patience during construction.
Upcoming Construction: Temporary fencing is scheduled to be taken down along the Crosstowne Trail next month.
Traffic Impacts:
· The Crosstowne Trail along 2770 South just east of Redwood
Road to the Brighton Canal is currently closed. Once TRAX construction is completed, the trail will open again.
Reach 5
Reach Description: Reach 5 will include construction along 1070 West in the Chesterfield industrial area. This reach will include one bridge structure over the Jordan River and another over 900 West.
Current Construction: Currently there are lane restrictions along 1070
West as crews finish utility work. Access is being maintained and we appreciate the businesses’ patience.
Upcoming Construction: After utility work is complete, crews will begin working on the roadway on the west side of 1070 West which should last until the end of the summer season. Once the west side of the roadway is completed, crews will then begin work on the east side of the roadway. Construction is anticipated to take place for the next several months.
Traffic Impacts: As construction proceeds, there will be lane restrictions, although access will be maintained.
Reach 6
Reach Description: Reach 6 runs through the Union Pacific Railroad’s Roper Yard area. Although there are no businesses and residents, extensive coordination will take place with the Union Pacific Railroad to ensure that freight deliveries and other train travel is maintained.
Reach 6 includes plans for an extensive bridging system that will enable TRAX to operate over other train traffic.
Current Construction: Progress has been made on the overhead structure in Roper Yard. Crews have installed steel piles 120’ into the ground to form the main foundations for the aerial bridge that will carry TRAX over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Crews are now installing geofoam to form the base of the bridge structure over the Roper Yard area.
Construction is also proceeding just east of 900 West along the south side of SR 201.
Upcoming Construction: Coordination will continue with the Union Pacific Railroad to install utilities and bridge structures.
Traffic Impacts: Not applicable. This is a Union Pacific Railroad work area.
Reach 7
Reach Description: Reach 7 is the area where the West Valley Line will connect with the current North/South TRAX Line. Construction will take place along Andy Avenue in South Salt Lake. Crews will closely coordinate activities with businesses to ensure access is maintained.
Current Construction: Storm drain installation along Andy Avenue has been completed. We thank businesses for their support during this phase of construction.
Upcoming Construction: The next phase of construction will begin near Andy Avenue next spring. We will continue to work with businesses to maintain access and mitigate any issues that may arise.
Traffic Impacts: Access will be maintained during construction.
General Information
Access during Construction
UTA is committed to maintaining 24-hour access to all of the businesses and residences along the construction corridor. We will coordinate with businesses in cases where access may be temporarily limited.
Construction Hours
Construction on the project is permitted to take place between 7 a.m. to
7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Additionally, specific activities may require different working hours depending upon the conditions and will be coordinated with city officials.
Construction Tours
If you are interested in learning more about the construction project, please call our toll-free 24-hour hotline at (888) 800-8854.
For More Information
Timely and helpful information is available to assist business and residential communities as well as commuters and stakeholders.
If you have further questions not answered by this report or any comments regarding the project, please contact our toll-free 24-hour hotline at (888) 800-8854 or e-mail You can also visit UTA’s Web site at
Please note that construction information provided is subject to change.
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