Its been three months since I moved to Portland and started regularly riding TriMet. Since I am a numbers guy I like to keep track of the number of vehicles I ride and how many times I ride them. Not sure if anyone really would care about these numbers except for fans, but here goes.
The routes I ride most often are: 44, 54, 57, 78, MAX, and WES.
Model Information and number: Number Ridden: Most ridden:
1990 Gillig Phantom 40' 63 buses 11 Ridden 1458 (twice)
(not all left in service)
1990/91 Gillig Phantom 30' 43 buses None
1992 Flxible Metro 40' 108 buses 15 Ridden 1738 and 1756 (twice)
(not all in service)
1994 Flxible Metro 40' 26 buses 7 Ridden 1821 (twice)
1992 Flxible Metro 30' 10 buses None
1997 New Flyer D40LF 22 buses 4 Ridden None more than once
1997 Gillig Phantom 65 buses 20 Ridden 5 of them ridden twice
1998 New Flyer D40LF 118 buses 4 Ridden None more than once
2000 New Flyer D40LF 60 buses 2 Ridden None more than once
2002 New Flyer DE40LF 2 buses None
2002 New Flyer D40LF 55 buses 8 Ridden None more than once
2003 New Flyer D40LF 25 buses 9 Ridden None more than once
2005 New Flyer D40LF 39 buses 9 Ridden 2825 Twice
2009 New Flyer D40LFR 40 buses 32 Ridden 2936 (5 Times)
Rail Vehicles:
1986 Bombardier 26 vehicles 16 Ridden 116 and 122 (4 times)
1997 Siemens SD660 52 vehicles 22 Ridden 245 (three times)
2003 Siemens SD660 27 vehicles 9 Ridden 308 (three times)
2009 Siemans S70 22 vehicles 5 Ridden 409 (twice)
Colorado Railcar Power 3 vehicles 2 Ridden 1001 (7 Times)
Colorado Railcar Trailers 1 vehicle not ridden
RDC's 2 vehicles not ridden
(sorry the columns did not come out properly).
As you can see from the numbers since I ride the 44, 54, and 57 most often on the bus side the buses assigned to those lines (the '97 Gilligs to the 44 and the 2009 DL40LFRs to the 54 and 57) are the ones I have ridden the most.
I ride WES once per day two or three times per week and it seems like every time I get the 1001. I have never been in a RDC before and I am hopping to ride those this Friday if scheduling works out.
If anyone knows how many of the older buses and the Bombardier cars are still in service, I would be interested in finding out.
I plan to update this as time goes on.
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