Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Monopolistic Customer Service

Here is a follow up on my trip to Denver last month.

For those of you that didn't read my blog about it, I had a business trip to Denver so I ordered a day pass from RTD in Denver. Well after few weeks in had not shown up so I had to buy two of them when arrived in Denver at the Airport.

However, the driver on the AT bus punched the wrong date and because they don't get to carry them I was out of luck.

So I emailed RTD and stated what happened. About a week later I get an email from someone at RTD saying that they got my pass back so they sent it back out again and I received it. Since I will back in Denver in September I figured I would use it then and ordered a second once since I will be there two full days and it arrived a few days later.

Then about a week after I got it I received another email from RTD saying they would refund me for the missing one. I emailed back and told the situation.

Then I get this email from some guy at RTD:

researched your order and you indicate in your e-mail that you ordered 2 day passes toward the end of May. I see that order, but it was only for ONE day pass, not two. There was a second order for the same item in June:

Order 1 – Shipped 5/25/07 to:

Salt Lake City UT 84117
US United States

Order 2 – Shipped 6/26/07 to:

Salt Lake City UT 84117
US United States

I show both passes were successfully mailed and were not returned here by the USPS. If you think they were lost in the mail, please complete a complaint with the US Postal Inspectors office. You can download a form from http://www.usps.com/postalinspectors/mailthft/2016.pdf
Or you can complete your complaint online:

We can re-issue the lost pass after we receive a copy of your completed complaint:
Attn: Gary Googins

1600 Blake Street

Denver, CO 80202-4909

I emailed him back gave him all the information and I never received and email back.

Can you imagine that, telling your customer that they would have to file a complaint and the company would do nothing? I'm sorry but a company with good customer service would have taken care of the situation, that's how you keep customers.

However, I will gladly sign a consulting contract with RTD to show them how to properly take care of their customers since clearly they need it.

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